Buster's Notes / 8-Bit Oracle

I'd like insight into...

8-Bit Oracle

Waiting for the Moon
Waiting for the Sprout
Waiting for the Fruit
Waiting for the Cup
Waiting for the Blade
Waiting for the Storm
Waiting for the Breeze
Waiting for the Sun
Brand New Moon
Brand New Sprout
Brand New Fruit
Brand New Cup
Brand New Blade
Brand New Storm
Brand New Breeze
Brand New Sun
Bursting Moon
Bursting Sprout
Bursting Fruit
Bursting Cup
Bursting Blade
Bursting Storm
Bursting Breeze
Bursting Sun
Possession of the Moon
Possession of the Sprout
Possession of the Fruit
Possession of the Cup
Possession of the Blade
Possession of the Storm
Possession of the Breeze
Possession of the Sun
Story about the Moon
Story about the Sprout
Story about the Fruit
Story about the Cup
Story about the Blade
Story about the Storm
Story about the Breeze
Story about the Sun
Becoming the Moon
Becoming the Sprout
Becoming the Fruit
Becoming the Cup
Becoming the Blade
Becoming the Storm
Becoming the Breeze
Becoming the Sun
Quest for the Moon
Quest for the Sprout
Quest for the Fruit
Quest for the Cup
Quest for the Blade
Quest for the Storm
Quest for the Breeze
Quest for the Sun
Ultimate Moon
Ultimate Storm
Ultimate Fruit
Ultimate Cup
Ultimate Blade
Ultimate Breeze
Ultimate Sun
Are the possible paths that you could choose from clear to you right now?
Do your closest relationships and community have your back in this?
Are you aligned with how cultural norms and expectations would want you to address this?
Do your current circumstances provide enough time, space, and resources to address this?
Do you have the skills and know-how required to address this question on your own?
Do you trust your natural instincts to direct you down the right path?
The Universe:
Do you have faith that the universe will help you navigate this question area?
Your Self:
Do you have faith in yourself to figure this out one way or another?