Light: Investing time in learning or teaching a difficult task. Restraining yourself from physical or financial extremes. Making sacrifices as a way of achieving larger goals. Breaking a complex task down into simple steps. Wanting what you have. Knowing the difference between needs and wants.
Shadow: Being assigned to a task without being trained to perform it. Pursuing a position for which you are not qualified. Disregarding requirements. Refusing to dedicate adequate time or attention when learning about something or someone new. Always craving more.
Personal Growth: Be patient with yourself. Seek advice from those who easily do what you must strive to do. Give yourself time to learn a new process. If you’re hoping to engineer a change in your own behavior, recognize the value of little steps toward your goal.
Work: Many problems arise when people are assigned to tasks to which they are not suited by training or nature. Where’s the disconnect? Identify what you don’t know, and ask for appropriate training. When using unskilled workers to do an elaborate task, scale expectations accordingly.
Relationships: We learn about love from our parents, but their examples may or may not be suitable for relationships we forge for ourselves. Everyone has something to learn about love. Model the level of love and patience you want your partner to provide.
Spirituality: Wanting what you have can transform your world. All too often, we get caught up in the ruthless cycle of pursuing “bigger and better,” when, in fact, we could very easily make do. Today, consider how you can delight in what you’ve already been given.
Fortune-Telling: Until you appreciate what you have, you won’t have any luck getting more.
Astrological: Virgo
Planet: Venus
Fool's Journey: The main character outlines a detailed action plan, step-by-step. Alternatively, the Main Character is placed in a position for which he or she is completely unqualified.
The Number 9: The Completion: fullness, readiness, ripeness.
Coins: One of the four suits of the tarot. Also sometimes called pentacles or diskc. Coins suggest health, wealth, practicality and physicality. Their domain extends beyond money and finance to all physical things, including the human body. Coins explore your attitude toward resources of all kinds: what you’ve been given, and what you do with it. In RWS-influenced decks, Coins are often called Pentacles. A pentacle’s design (with the upright star in the middle that represents the human body) reminds us that physical blessings, from possessions to our bodies, are to be used for higher purposes. In your own life, how often do you focus on 'the star in the coin'?
Falcon: Decks in the RWS family often illustrate the 9 of Coins with an image of a lady training a falcon. Training an animal requires patience and empathy.
Bumper Crop: While the lady of the manor focuses on the task at hand in the 9 of Coins, a rich harvest of pentacles grows. Her bounty looks effortless, but a crop this rich doesn’t happen by accident.
Content generously licensed from Mark McElroy via