Personality: The Queen of Swords can represent anyone who wants to encourage others (Queen) to be brighter and more communicative (Swords). The Queen may also represent the tendency to be more tactful than objective, or the need to express information more politely than precisely.
Light: Exercising tact or using diplomacy. Defusing a tense situation. Knowing what to say and how to say it. Making others feel comfortable and confident. Bringing out the best in everyone. Having a way with words. Telling jokes. Possessing a knack for music, math, art, or science.
Shadow: Knowing exactly what to say to destroy another person. Withholding critical information. Using a barbed tongue to upset others. Employing sarcasm. Mimicking others unkindly. Making light of the less fortunate. Being disrespectful. Failing to use the talent you’ve been given.
Personal Growth: Your insights, opinions, and attitudes influence others more than you know. Express your thoughts with care, making sure you phrase your observations in ways that encourage growth. If you need encouragement, encourage others to give it.
Work: Harsh criticism crushes morale, but finely-tuned words of praise can enhance performance and elicit remarkable productivity. Identify what must be changed, but express that change in terms of growth and benefit. Instead of problems, see challenges. Instead of deficits, see opportunities.
Relationships: You can’t change other people, but you can provide gentle prompts designed to help them be the best they can be. Know the difference in supporting and nagging. Know, too, that requested advice is always prized more highly than unsolicited observations. Until you’re invited to speak, hold your tongue.
Spirituality: Practice the delivery of praise. When you receive blessings, voice your thanks. When others work for you, show your bright spirit by acknowledging their contributions. Whatever the situation, strive to be the soul of encouragement.
Fortune-Telling: This card represents a woman with an artistic, intellectual nature, likely born between September 12th and October 12th, who uses clever, positive communication to sway others to her point of view.
Element: Water
Fool's Journey: The main character must deliver news that is difficult for others to receive with grace. Alternatively, the main character must confront the less desirable aspects of his or her personality.
Queen: Each Queen card is the emotional manifestation of the suit she rules.
Swords: One of the four suits of the tarot. Also sometimes called blades, knives or athames. Represents logic, objectivity, intellect, and choice. Along with the responsibility such talents bring. Swords suggest logic, clarity, and decision-making. Remember the story of wise King Solomon, who once offered to slice a baby in half in order to resolve a dispute over motherhood? Swords cut through confusion, revealing our agendas in the process.
Winged Throne: The Queen of Swords is frequently drawn ruling from a throne decorated with butterflies, birds, or other winged creatures, reinforcing the airiness of her suit. How does the element of air—matters of communication and intellect—play a role in your situation?
Posture of Pronouncement: The Queen of Swords often appears to be on the verge of making an important statement or rendering an important verdict. In your own situation, what needs to be said? Who needs to say it? What is the obstacle blocking this critical communication?
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